Great Ormond Street - Phase 2a

The Morgan Stanley Clinical Building, the first part of the Mittal Children's Medical Centre consists of seven floors including:

Clinical Investigations Unit (Walrus Ward): an assessment and admissions unit offering enhanced diagnostic and treatment facilities for children with a wide range of heart and respiratory problems. Walrus Ward also houses the Arsenal Lung Function Unit, the ENRC Cardiac Day Care Unit and the ECHO/ECG Unit. It is part of the Wolfson Heart and Lung Centre.

Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (Flamingo Ward): for children under the age of 16 who need intensive care for conditions involving the heart, lungs or airways. It is part of the Wolfson Heart and Lung Centre.

J N and Phyllis Somers Neurosciences Centre (Koala Ward): caring for children with disabilities, tumours and diseases affecting the central nervous system such as epilepsy, craniofacial disorders and cancers. Koala Ward also houses the Cupcake Telemetry Unit.

Bear Ward: for children with heart conditions. Some children stay here after surgery and others come for assessment and non-surgical management. It is part of the Wolfson Heart and Lung Centre.

British Kidney Patient Association Children’s Kidney Centre (Eagle Ward): for patients with kidney problems such as kidney failure, patients on dialysis or those having a kidney transplant.

Operating theatres: three state-of-the-art cardiac and neuro operating theatres and one hybrid angiography room.

The project value to M&M Medical was in excess of £732,000.00 and consisted of the following equipment:

• 650 number Terminal Units
• 42 number Medizone Units
• 1 number CA-3970-QP11 Combined  Air Plant
• 1 number MV-3000-Q Vacuum Plant
• 1 number 2x4 Medical Air 4 Auto Manifold (Back-Up to Plant)
• 1 number 2x6 Surgical Air 7 Auto Manifold (Back-Up to Plant)
• AGS-520-D/3 Duplex AGSS Plants
• 1 number 35mm Duplex Pressure Reducing Set (4000 l/min)
• 1 number 54mm Duplex Pressure Reducing Set (6000 l/min)
• MP125 Plant Alarms